Define ramayana
Define ramayana

define ramayana define ramayana

The legend behind Devi Sita’s birth is divine and supernatural. I always worship You in my heart Who is beautiful in entirety and you are beautiful beyond words. I Salute the Mother of the Universe, Who is the beloved of Lord Rama, Your different forms are a source of joy to all, You are the Sati (a devoted wife) whose presence is auspicious and confers Siddhi (attainment) and Liberation, Sitaam Sarvaan-Avadya-Anggiim Bhajaami Satatam Hrdaa ||| Namaami Vishal-Jananiim Raamacandre sstta-Vallabhaam || You are an embodiment of Maa Saraswati (Goddess of Knowledge)Īahlaada-Ruupinniim Siddhim Shivaam Shivakariim Satiim| You are the destroyer of power and supremacy of oppressor and fulfiller of the wishes of Devotees. Paulastya-ishvarya-Samhatriim Bhakti-Abhiissttaam Sarasvatiim ||ĭevi Sita I salute you: You are the daughter of Earth and embodiment of knowledge You are the auspicious Prakriti (nature) I salute you : you are the daughter of Videha Raja and cause of joy of Raghava (Sri Ram)īhuumer-Duhitaram Vidyaan Namaami Prakrtim Shivaam | Videha-Raaja-Tanayaam Raaghava-ananda-Kaarinniim ||ĭevi Sita you are the destroyer of poverty and bestower of wishes on the devotees. ShriRamcharitmanas, Balkand, Manglacharan, Shloka 5 Stotra on Devi Sitaĭaaridrya-Ranna-Samhartriim Bhaktaana-Abhisstta-Daayiniim | I bow to Sita, the beloved consort of Sri Rama, who is responsible for the creation, sustenance, and dissolution (of the universe), removes afflictions and begets all blessings. Sarvasreyaskarim Sitam Natoham Ramavallabham || Udbhavasthitisamharakarinim Kalesaharinim | “Auspicious Sita, come thou near: we venerate and worship thee that thou mayst bless and prosper us and bring us fruits abundantly.” – Rig Veda 4.57.6 Sita Shloka She is also worshipped as an agricultural and fertility deity, prayed to for bountiful crops. Paraskara Griha Sutra of Shukla Yajur Veda mentions Sita as wife of Indra (the god associated with rain) Kaushika Sutra of Atharva Veda mentions Sita as wife of Parjanya (Lord Indra, the god associated with rain) Vedavati: A tapasvini (female ascetic), devotee of Lord Vishnu in previous birth who entered blazing fire when Ravana tried to molest her. Goddess Lakshmi (Goddess of wealth and prosperity): the consort of Lord Vishnu in the Treta Yuga. She has a strong sense of individuality around her, hence she is a subject of generational curiosity and research. She led a life full of trials and tribulations with strength and courage. She is the epitome of devotion as a wife, daughter, and a mother. She is the silent figure of strength in the Hindu epic, Ramayana. Devi Sita is a well known Hindu Goddess acknowledged for her courage, purity, dedication, loyalty, and sacrifice.

Define ramayana